Fipi oral part of OGE Russian language preparation. OGE Russian language (oral) material for preparing for the Unified State Exam (GIA) in the Russian language (grade 9) on the topic

In 2018, the final interview in the Russian language in the 9th grade will become mandatory and will probably be the admission for ninth-graders to the OGE in the Russian language.

Large-scale testing will be carried out in the fall of 2017 in 19 regions of the Russian Federation (participation in it will be voluntary, and the results will not affect students’ admission to GIA-9 in 2018).

What will be tested in the oral part?
The final interview will be aimed at checking spontaneous speech.

What tasks will the oral part of the exam include?
1) reading the text aloud;
2) retelling the text with additional information;
3) monologue statement on one of the selected topics;
4) dialogue with the examiner-interlocutor.

What texts will be offered to schoolchildren during the exam?
Texts about outstanding people of Russia (for example, about the first cosmonaut Yu. Gagarin, about the famous surgeon N. Pirogov, about our contemporaries Doctor Lisa (Elizaveta Glinka) and a doctor from Krasnoyarsk, who performed an operation in difficult conditions and saved the life of a child.

How long will the exam last?
Each participant will be given about 15 minutes to complete the work.

Will there be grades for the exam?
No, the interview will be assessed on a pass/fail basis.

Who will grade the answer on the exam?
The assessment of the completion of work assignments will be carried out by an expert directly in the process of answering according to specially developed criteria, taking into account compliance with the norms of the modern Russian literary language. But during the interview process, an audio recording will be made.

Where will the exam take place?
It is planned that the final interview will be held for 9th grade graduates in their schools.

The oral part of the OGE in the Russian language is being introduced as part of the implementation of the Concept of teaching the Russian language and literature to test the oral speech skills of schoolchildren. It is planned that passing the final interview will in the future become admission to the State Examination Academy for ninth grade graduates.

Oral part in the Russian language OGE 2018 - demo version from FIPI

Additional materials and equipment

To conduct the oral part of the exam, language laboratories with appropriate equipment can be used.

The oral interview in Russian consists of four tasks.

Task 1 – reading a short text aloud. Preparation time: 2 minutes.

In task 2 it is proposed to retell the text read, supplementing it with a statement. Preparation time – 1 minute.

In task 3, you are asked to choose one of three proposed conversation options: a description of a photograph, a narration based on life experience, a reasoning on one of the formulated problems. Preparation time – 1 minute.

In task 4 (dialogue) you will have to participate in a conversation on the topic of the previous task. Your total response time (including preparation time) is 15 minutes. The entire response time is audio and video recorded.

Characteristics of the structure and content of KIM OGE Russian language oral part

Each version of CMM consists of four tasks of a basic level of complexity, differing in the form of tasks.

Task 1 – expressive reading aloud of a text in a scientific-journalistic style.

Task 2 – retelling the text using additional information.

Task 3 – thematic monologue statement.

Task 4 – participation in dialogue.

All tasks are open-type tasks with a detailed answer.

System for assessing the performance of individual tasks and work as a whole

The answer to task 1 (reading the text) of the work is assessed according to specially developed criteria. The maximum number of points for reading is 2. For correct completion of task 2 (retelling the text using additional information), the graduate receives 4 points. Compliance with the norms of the modern Russian literary language while working with the text is assessed separately.

The maximum number of points that a student can receive for the verbal formulation of the answer to tasks 1 and 2 is 4 points.

The maximum number of points for working with the text (tasks 1 and 2) is 10. The answer to task 3 of the work is assessed according to specially developed criteria. The maximum number of points for a monologue statement is 3.

The maximum number of points that a student can score for completing task 4 is 2. Compliance with the norms of the modern Russian literary language when answering is assessed separately.

The maximum number of points that a student can receive for the verbal formulation of the answer to tasks 3 and 4 is 4 points.

The maximum number of points that a student can receive for completing the entire oral part is 19. The student receives credit if he scores 10 or more points for completing the work.

When reading the demo version of an oral interview in the Russian language, you should keep in mind that the tasks included in it do not reflect all the content that can be checked using variants of control measurement materials.

A public and professional discussion took place on the draft model of the “Speaking” section and samples of CIMs for the “Speaking” section in the state final certification (SFA) in the Russian language.

According to the project, the oral part in the Russian language will consist of three tasks.

Exercise 1– reading aloud a short text of a popular science nature. Preparation time is 1.5 minutes, while reading the text out loud should not take more than 3 minutes. Intonation, pace of reading, and compliance with pronunciation standards are very important.

Sample text

Excerpt from the book by Geliy Vasilkov
"Every day and all my life"

Heart! No other human organ has been written about by poets and composers as many poems and songs, or by scientists as many scientific articles and monographs, as about this tireless motor. And this is no coincidence. The heart is the first to respond to the slightest change in mood, to joy or sorrow, signals about illness, even reacts to the position of our body: whether we are lying, sitting or standing up, and of course, to physical activity.

Doctors begin listening to the heartbeat of the unborn newborn while still in the womb. Then, from the moment of birth and throughout life, therapists and cardiologists determine the state of a person’s health based on indications of the functioning of the heart muscle. A trained heart makes just over 50 beats per minute; in an untrained person, the heart rate at rest can be up to 74 beats per minute. If we compare the number of impacts over fifty years, the difference turns out to be quite significant.

The function of the heart is the most important. It ensures the delivery of blood saturated with oxygen and other necessary waste products through a branched circulatory system to all organs and tissues.

In task 2 You are invited to take part in a conditional dialogue - an interview: answer five questions. One minute will be given to read and think about the answer to the question, and the same amount will be given to the answer itself. Here you need to show your vocabulary and ability to reason. Monosyllabic answers “yes” and “no” will not earn points.

Sample dialogue

3. Are there any downsides to using social media?
Answer: _____________________________

5. Advise your peers on how to use social media properly.
Answer: ______________________________

In task 3 it is necessary to construct a coherent monologue statement on a specific topic based on a plan. Preparation time – 1 minute. One minute is allotted for preparing a monologue, and no more than three minutes for the answer itself.

For example, a graduate might be asked to describe a photograph of a girl reading a book. You will need to not only describe the photo, but also tell what books you read, how and where you learn about new books, what work you would recommend to a friend.

In this case, all statements must be connected.

The total response time for one examinee (including preparation time) is 15 minutes.

Each subsequent task is issued after the completion of the previous task. The entire response time is audio and video recorded.

When passing the exam, you must fully complete the assigned tasks, try to speak clearly and clearly, stay on topic and follow the proposed answer plan.

This model will not be used at the State Examination 2017.

Testing and assessing the main types of speech activity: speaking.

New approaches.

Tatyana Nikolaevna Malysheva,

Deputy Chairman of the FPKR KIM for the state final certification

in Russian language FGBNU "FIPI"

Exam Format

1. Conversation with the teacher

2. Work in pairs

3. Computer

General approaches:

    Communicative approach

    Unprepared speech

    Monologue + dialogue

    Description, narration, reasoning

    Expressive reading aloud

Expressive reading aloud

Exercise 1.Read the text aloud expressively. You have 1.5 minutes to prepare.

An excerpt from the book “Sounds of the Earth” by Ivan Sergeevich Sokolov - Mikitov

Listen carefully, standing in the forest or among an awakened flowering field, and if you still have sensitive hearing, you will certainly hear the wonderful sounds of the earth, which at all times people so affectionately called Mother Earth. The sounds of the earth are precious. It is perhaps impossible to list them. They replace music for us.

I remember with joy the sounds of the earth that once captivated me as a child. And is it not from those times that the best things that are embedded in my soul remain? I remember the mysterious sounds of the forest, the breath of the awakened native land. And now they excite and delight me. In the silence of the night, I hear even more clearly the breathing of the earth, the rustling of a leaf over a fresh mushroom rising from the ground, the fluttering of the night lungs of butterflies, the crow of a rooster in the nearest village.

How good and unforgettable every new morning is! Even before sunrise, the birds wake up and begin to sing joyfully. The awakened forest is full of life! There is nothing in nature more musical than the early morning. The streams ring even more silvery, the forest herbs smell more fragrant, and their aroma miraculously merges with the musical symphony of the morning.

Expressive Reading Assessment Criteria

Expressiveness of speech

Correctness of speech (Compliance of speech with language norms)

The speech is correct (corresponds to language norms): there is no distortion of words (or 1 mistake was made), the emphasis in the words is placed correctly (or 1 mistake was made). Intonation conveys the punctuation of the text (or 1 mistake is made). The reading pace is high. 2

The speech is correct (corresponds to language norms), but there is a distortion of words (2-3 mistakes were made), and/or 2-3 mistakes were made in the placement of emphasis, and/or The intonation generally conveys the punctuation of the text, but 2-3 errors were made. The reading pace is high. 1

The speech contains significant errors (partially corresponds to language norms): there is distortion of words (more than 3 errors), more than 3 errors were made in the placement of stress. Intonation does not accurately convey the punctuation of the text (more than 3 errors were made). Reading pace is slow. Speech understanding is difficult. 0

The maximum number of points for the entire task is 3

Monologue statement. Monologue conversation

Task 2.You are given 1.5 minutes to prepare. INYour statement should not take more than 2 minutes.

1. Describe the photo.

2. Tell us about your most memorable visit to the museum.

Don't forget to tell

which museum did you visit;

when and with whom;

what did you see;

what I liked and remembered most.

Questions for conversation ( Card for teacher)

1. Which museums do you like best: historical, artistic, scientific and technical or natural science?

2. Do you think schoolchildren should visit museums? Why?

3. Have you heard about virtual museums? What capabilities do you think they have?

Description of the photo


But 1

or 0


But The topic is not fully covered. There are no actual errors. 1

or made factual errors, including in choosing the type of speech. 0

Semantic integrity


But 1





but it can be traced 1


Interaction with the interlocutor was achieved: the examinee showed the ability to participate in the conversation: listen and understand the interlocutor’s questions, give accurate and complete answers to questions, and was polite and correct. 2

Interaction with the interlocutor has been achieved: the examinee has demonstrated the ability to participate in the conversation, but not always demonstrated the ability to listen and understand the interlocutor’s questions, gave inaccurate and/or incomplete answers to questions (made more than 2 communication errors), not always 1

Interaction with the interlocutor was not achieved, the examinee did not show the ability to participate in the conversation: did not understand the essence of the questions, did not give answers (made more than 4 communication errors), not always mastered non-verbal methods of communication (facial expressions, gestures), or was impolite and incorrect. 0

The maximum number of points for the entire task is 10


Dialogue in pairs

Task 2.Discuss whether a uniform is needed at school? During the discussion, answer the following questions:

Do you have a uniform at school?

What are the benefits of a school uniform?

Why do students often dislike wearing school uniforms?

Do you agree that clothing is part of business etiquette?

Describe the clothes you would like students to wear at your school.

Criteria for assessing dialogue in pairs

Solving a communicative problem (each direction of the conversation is scored 1 point)

The communication problem is solved; thoughts are presented logically and consistently, speech is distinguished by a rich and precise vocabulary, and a variety of syntactic structures are used. 1*5

The communicative task is not completed;


and/or 0

Interaction with your interlocutor


not always not always mastered non-verbal methods of communication (facial expressions, gestures), was polite and correct. 1

not always mastered non-verbal methods of communication (facial expressions, gestures), or was impolite and incorrect. 0

The maximum number of points for the entire task is -7

Conditional dialogue. (Interview)

Task 2.Take part in the interview. You need to answerfive questions. Please provide complete answers to the questions.

1. Do you have a uniform at school?

2. Why is a school uniform convenient?

3. Why do students often dislike wearing school uniforms?

4. Do you agree that clothing is part of business etiquette?

5. Describe the clothes you would like students to wear at your school.

Criteria for assessing conditional dialogue

Solving a communication problem (the answer to each question is scored 1 point)

Answer to the question

The communicative task is solved: a complete answer to the question posed is given, thoughts are presented logically, consistently, speech is distinguished by the richness and accuracy of the vocabulary, and a variety of syntactic structures are used. 1*5

The communicative task has not been solved: the answer to the question has not been given or a one-word answer is given (word, phrase);

or thoughts are presented illogically, inconsistently;

or speech is characterized by a poor and imprecise vocabulary, monotonous syntactic structures are used. 0

The maximum number of points for the entire task is 5

Monologue statement with an element of dialogue

Task 3.

1.Describe the photo.

Don't forget to tell

when the holiday took place;

what was it dedicated to;

who took part;

Criteria for assessing a monologue statement with an element of dialogue

Description of the photo

The examinee coped with the communicative task - described the photograph. There are no actual errors. 2

The examinee coped with the communicative task - described the photograph, But The topic is not fully covered. There are no actual errors. 1

The examinee failed to cope with the communicative task - he was unable to describe the photograph, or made factual errors, including in choosing the type of speech. 0

Narration of personal life experience

The examinee coped with the communicative task - he spoke about his personal life experience. There are no actual errors. 2

The examinee coped with the communicative task - he spoke about his personal life experience, But The topic is not fully covered. There are no actual errors. 1

The examinee failed to cope with the communicative task - he was unable to talk about his personal life experience, or made factual errors, including in choosing the type of speech. 0

Semantic integrity

The statement is characterized by semantic integrity, verbal coherence and consistency of presentation: there are no logical errors, the sequence of presentation is not broken. 2

The utterance is characterized by semantic integrity, speech coherence and consistency of presentation, But there are logical errors (no more than 2). 1

The statement is illogical, the presentation is inconsistent. There are logical errors (more than 2). The communicative intent is difficult to understand. 0

Expressiveness and accuracy of speech

The examinee’s statement is characterized by a richness of vocabulary and accuracy of expression of thoughts, a variety of grammatical structures. 2

The examinee’s statement is characterized by a rich vocabulary, a variety of grammatical structures,

But there are violations of the accuracy of expression of thoughts,

or/and the examinee’s statement is characterized by a rich vocabulary and accuracy of word usage, but it can be traced monotony of grammatical structures 1

The examinee’s statement is characterized by a poor vocabulary and monotony of grammatical structures 0

Interaction with your interlocutor

Interaction with the interlocutor was achieved: the examinee showed the ability to ask questions, listen and understand the interlocutor, conduct and maintain a conversation, mastered non-verbal methods of communication (facial expressions, gestures), was polite and correct. 2

Interaction with the interlocutor has been achieved, but the examinee not always demonstrated the ability to ask questions, listen and understand the interlocutor, conduct and maintain a conversation (made more than 2 communication errors), not always mastered non-verbal methods of communication (facial expressions, gestures), was polite and correct. 1

Interaction with the interlocutor was not achieved, the examinee did not demonstrate the ability to ask questions, listen and understand the interlocutor, conduct and maintain a conversation (made more than 4 communication errors), not always mastered non-verbal methods of communication (facial expressions, gestures), or was impolite and incorrect. 0

The maximum number of points for the entire task is 10

*Note. If the examinee failed to cope with the communicative task, i.e. received 0 points according to the criteria “Description of a photograph” and “Narrative of personal life experience”, then such work is not counted and is scored 0 points, the task is considered unfulfilled.

If the examinee received 0 points for one of the criteria “Description of a photograph” or “Narrative of personal life experience”, then for the criteria “Meaning integrity” and “Expressiveness of speech” the maximum score is reduced to 1 point.

Monologue statement

Task 3. You are given 1.5 minutes to prepare. Your statement should not take more than 2 minutes.

1.Describe the photo.

2. Tell us about your school holiday, which was most memorable.

Don't forget to tell

when the holiday took place;

what was it dedicated to;

who took part;

what did you like the most?

Criteria for assessing a monologue statement

Description of the photo

The examinee coped with the communicative task - described the photograph. There are no actual errors. 2

The examinee coped with the communicative task - described the photograph, But The topic is not fully covered. There are no actual errors. 1

The examinee failed to cope with the communicative task - he was unable to describe the photograph, or made factual errors, including in choosing the type of speech. 0

Narration of personal life experience

The examinee coped with the communicative task - he spoke about his personal life experience. There are no actual errors. 2

The examinee coped with the communicative task - he spoke about his personal life experience, But The topic is not fully covered. There are no actual errors. 1

The examinee failed to cope with the communicative task - he was unable to talk about his personal life experience, or made factual errors, including in choosing the type of speech. 0

Semantic integrity

The statement is characterized by semantic integrity, verbal coherence and consistency of presentation: there are no logical errors, the sequence of presentation is not broken. 2

The utterance is characterized by semantic integrity, speech coherence and consistency of presentation, But there are logical errors (no more than 2). 1

The statement is illogical, the presentation is inconsistent. There are logical errors (more than 2). The communicative intent is difficult to understand. 0

Expressiveness and accuracy of speech

The examinee’s statement is characterized by a richness of vocabulary and accuracy of expression of thoughts, a variety of grammatical structures. 2

The examinee’s statement is characterized by a rich vocabulary, a variety of grammatical structures,

But there are violations of the accuracy of expression of thoughts,

or/and the examinee’s statement is characterized by a rich vocabulary and accuracy of word usage, but it can be traced monotony of grammatical structures 1

The examinee’s statement is characterized by a poor vocabulary and monotony of grammatical structures 0

The maximum number of points for the entire task is 8

*Note. If the examinee failed to cope with the communicative task, i.e. received 0 points according to the criteria “Description of a photograph” and “Narrative of personal life experience”, then such work is not counted and is scored 0 points, the task is considered unfulfilled.

If the examinee received 0 points for one of the criteria “Description of a photograph” or “Narrative of personal life experience”, then for the remaining criteria “Semantic integrity” and “Expressiveness of speech” the maximum score is reduced to 1 point.

Preparation for the oral part of the OGE in Russian in 9th grade

Section "Speaking"

This memo will help 9th grade students prepare step by step for passing the oral part of the OGE in the Russian language (task No. 3 “Monologue statement”: description of a photograph). Working with the memo, students will learn to competently and correctly construct monologues on given topics in accordance with the type of speech, characterized by compositional harmony and logical completeness, highlight not only the main, but also secondary details of a photograph, and develop vocabulary.

Glossary of synonyms-terms,

used in the photo description

To photograph -take a picture, film, capture.

Depict -show, reproduce, imagine, recreate, display, convey, capture, record.

See -to notice, notice, notice, catch, discern, consider.

Photo -snapshot, image, photo, photograph.

Photographer -author of photography (image), photo artist, master.

Preparing to describe a photo

1.Look carefully at the photo.

2.What event (phenomenon) is depicted in the photograph?

3.Why did the photographer capture this particular moment?

4.Name the most prominent details (characters) of the photograph.

5. Describe in detail what is shown in the photograph:

The main (main) characters;

His appearance: approximate age, height, face, hair, build, clothes (color, seasonality);


Posture, gestures, facial expressions, movement dynamics;

Contact (relationship) between characters;

The mood of the characters at the time of shooting, determine the relationship between the mood and the occupation of the character(s) (emotions).

6.Describe the objects in the foreground, background, center of the photo, left, right.

7.What does the photographer use to realize his vision (close-up, color, bright details)?

8.What attracts you most about photography?

9.What emotions (feelings, thoughts, experiences) does photography evoke in you personally?

Sample sentences to describe a photograph


I have a photograph in front of me and I want to describe it...

This photograph is a genre sketch (a scene from life, an interesting life story) conveying a scene from everyday (holiday, everyday, school...) life...

I see a bright, multifaceted picture from everyday (holiday, school, etc.) life...

I am interested in this picture (photo, photograph...), and I will try to describe it in detail...

The photograph proposed for description is interesting because...

Main part:

Let's move on to the description...

The goal of the photographer is to convey the mood, emotions (of schoolchildren, families, travelers, friends...) at the moment (active recreation, travel, holiday, school event, etc.)

The goal of the photographer is not so much to produce an accurate, detailed image (of whom? what?), but to convey (impressions, mood, emotions, character of a person, people, etc.)

It’s impossible not to mention the details of the photo that attract attention...

In the foreground the photos (right in front of us) are depicted...the photographer captured (depicted in the picture), etc.

The background of the photo is...

In the distance there is a wonderful (interesting, unique) view…

To the left of (to the right of...)

Description of the photo characters (gender, approximate age, hair, height, arms, legs, clothes (color, comfort), poses (movements, gestures), facial expressions (face, emotions), etc.

The photo accurately conveys the internal state of a person, his mood...

The photo not only captures external features, but also conveys the character of the characters at the moment (play, relaxation, joint work, etc.)

It helps to convey the atmosphere of the depicted event...

The photographer feels all the tension and dynamics of the characters at the moment (games, competitions, events, etc.)

It’s as if the photographer managed to freeze the moment...

The picture is surprisingly dynamic (or: attracts the picturesque, poetic nature of the image... calmness, leisureliness associated with...)

!!! You can use phrases: I think, it seems to me, in all likelihood, etc.

Assume, but don't fantasize


Concluding the description, I would like to note... (I would like to express my opinion about...)

It is impossible not to note the talent of a photographer who knows how to convey (who was able to achieve...what?...)

The photo captures the realism of what is depicted (the truth of life, the uniqueness of moments, etc.)

The photo personally left me with a good (good, positive) impression...

The photo is wonderful (interesting). It will certainly add to someone's home photo collection.

Such photographs, without a doubt, were and will be the best in family photo albums, etc.

Used Books:

FIPI Samples of control measuring materials for the “Speaking” section in the State final certification in the Russian language. Moscow, 2017

OGE simulator. Russian language. Preparation for the oral part. Section "Speaking". G.T. Egoraeva. Moscow. Publishing house "Exam", 2018