Analysis of the test results of the Unified State Exam for three months. Analysis of the trial Unified State Examination in mathematics (profile level)


based on the results of a trial examination paper in mathematics

in class 11A in the form and according to the Unified State Exam materials

In accordance with the school’s work plan, on April 22, a trial examination in mathematics was held in grade 11 “A” in the form and using the Unified State Exam materials. The work was compiled in accordance with the demo version approved in November 2010.

The work consisted of 12 tasks with a short answer - tasks of a basic level of complexity and 6 tasks involving a detailed solution - tasks of an increased level of complexity.

The assignments tested the knowledge acquired in algebra, algebra and elementary analysis, and geometry for grades 7–11.

The purpose of the work was to diagnose the level of knowledge of students in mathematics at this stage of education in order to plan the process of preparing for the Unified State Exam in the time remaining before the state final certification.

Total / wrote





% succeeded

% quality

24 /24







Results of regional diagnostic work:

Results in November:

Results in December:

Results in January:

Results in February:

Results in March:

Results in April

Comparative analysis of the results of the trial Unified State Exam for three years:


5 "2"




% succeeded

% quality


2008 - 2010


Tkachenko A.B.

2009 - 2010

Shvydchenko N.A.

2010 - 2011






Tkachenko A.B.

Minimum number of points - 3 points: ________________

Didn't complete any task ___________________

Analysis of the completion of individual tasks by students of grade 11 “A” in April 2011:

The ability to apply acquired knowledge and skills in practical activities and everyday life (whole numbers, fractions, percentages).

Ability to apply acquired knowledge and skills in practical activities (graphical presentation of data)

Equations (proportion, fractional rational, logarithmic, exponential)

coordinates and vectors (right triangle)

Ability to use acquired knowledge and skills in practical activities and everyday life (building a mathematical model)

Ability to perform actions with geometric shapes,

coordinates and vectors. Finding the areas of plane figures

Ability to perform calculations and transformations

Ability to perform operations with functions (application of derivatives to the study of functions)

Ability to perform actions with geometric figures, coordinates and vectors (volumes and surface areas of polyhedra and bodies of rotation)

AT 10

Ability to use acquired knowledge and skills in

practical activities and everyday life (physics, mechanics, application of equations and inequalities)

AT 11

Ability to perform actions with functions (finding the largest, smallest value of a function, maximum, minimum)

AT 12

Ability to construct and explore the simplest mathematical

Models (problems on motion, percentages, alloys, mixtures, work)

Solve equation, inequality

Job with parameter


AT 10

AT 11

AT 12



Total students

Results in %

The diagram shows that 79% of students completed the most successfully task B1 , which tested the ability to apply acquired knowledge and skills in practical activities and everyday life (whole numbers, fractions, percentages). The level of implementation is low; for diagnostic work on December 21, 2010 and February 15, 2011. March 15, 2011, April 26, 2011. the level of completion of tasks of this type was 100%; 86%, 95% and 100% respectively. The analysis showed that the students made computational errors. Only ____________ does not understand the meaning of the task. At this stage, the student has not yet completed this task.

Task B2 School students completed at 73%. The task tested the ability to read graphs and diagrams of real dependencies. The result is worse than the diagnostic work on 01/25/2011 and 03/15/2011, 04/26/2011. (the level of completion of tasks of this type is 83%, 83% and 100%, respectively). 3 students failed to complete the task due to inattention when reading the question (___________________) and 1 student - Vladimir Voronov did not understand the task, however, the student mastered the skill of solving tasks of this type.

At a similar level - 79%, students coped with task B3 . The task tested the ability to solve equations. During diagnostic work on December 21, 2010 and March 15, 2011, tasks of this type were correctly completed by 80% and 96% of students, respectively.

At work there were 4 types of equations:

Equation type




6 students

Fractional rational

9 students

Kuznetsov Artem

Mishev Igor

Yurchenko Artem


3 students

Okopny Sergey


6 students

Kolesnikova Olga

Voronov Vladimir

Task B4. The average level of completion of this task is 58% (in the region - 62.5%). The task tested the ability to perform actions with geometric figures, coordinates and vectors (triangle). The solution to this problem is based on knowledge of the properties of an isosceles triangle and the sum of angles in a triangle; right triangle solution)

As can be seen from the above solution, the level of performance of tasks of this type is accessible to the average student. However, these guys also make computational errors (_______________________). Low-performing students did not even start the task (________________________________)

Task B5 tested the ability to use acquired knowledge and skills in practical activities and everyday life (tabular presentation of data). During diagnostic work on November 23, 2010, January 25, 2011, March 15, 2011 and March 26, 2011. the level of completion of tasks of this type was significantly higher - 60%; 63%; 83; and 68% respectively. Some students made mistakes in calculations (______________________) or made incorrect comparisons.

However, a number of students incorrectly compiled the mathematical model of the problems (________)

With task B6 , which tested the ability to perform actions with geometric shapes, coordinates and vectors, they did a little better - 54%. These are 13 students, both good and average achievers

Task type




3 students


4 students

Area of ​​the shaded figure

9 students

Tangent of the angle

3 students

Find the height of the shaded figure

3 students

Trapezoid, circle

2 students

The calculations that need to be done to get the answer to this task are simple. If you conduct systematic training in solving problems of this type in parallel with repetition of theoretical material, you can get a better result. Compared to work in March (37%), the result on the trial Unified State Exam is slightly higher.

Task B7 tested the ability to transform expressions and find their meanings. This task was completed correctly by 54%, which is significantly better than in March at the KDR (35% of students). To solve problems of this type, it is enough to know and be able to apply some formulas, as well as perform calculations correctly. A fairly low percentage of completion of this task indicates computational errors (___________) and insufficient knowledge (________________________________)

Task B8 , which tested the ability to perform actions with functions (the geometric meaning of a derivative), 42% solved correctly

During diagnostic work on December 21, 2010, January 25, 2011, February 15, 2011, and March 15, 2011, students completed tasks on the topic “Derivative” at the level of 40%, 58% and 26.5% and 42%, respectively , which indicates the variety of tasks on this topic. As can be seen from the analysis, the level of performance of tasks of this type is accessible to the average student, however, these students also make mechanical errors (________________________)

With task B9, 17% of students completed the geometric task. Most of the guys didn’t even start solving the geometric problem. Arushanyan, Kostenko, Kolesnikova made computational errors. In March, 32% of students passed the test.

Task B10 , which tested the ability to use acquired knowledge and skills in practical activities and everyday life (inequalities, physics, mechanics) was completed by 21% of students. These are high achieving students. As can be seen from the analysis, the level of completion of tasks of this type is accessible to the average student. Compared to the KDR in March, the result is slightly better (13%). Some students made computational errors (_________________). This result speaks, first of all, about the inability of students to analyze the text of a problem and correctly build its mathematical model, as well as problems with computational skills.

Task B11 completed by 25% (compared to the CDR on March 15, 2011 - 22%) of graduates. _______________ made computational errors. 12 students did not start the task.

Execution level assignments B12 , which tested the ability to build and study the simplest mathematical models (tasks on joint work, movement, percentages, alloys and mixtures, decimal notation of natural numbers) amounted to 25% (in March at the CDR - 48%). This result indicates that most students do not know how to analyze the text of a problem and correctly build its mathematical model, as well as the computational errors that students make when solving the equation.

Summing up the results of completing tasks of a basic level of complexity, we can note:

It is enough for students to have mastery of methods for solving simple word problems with integers, fractions and percentages (task IN 1 ); average level of work with graphs of real dependencies AT 2, good skills in solving exponential and logarithmic equations, proportions (task AT 3 ); tasks B4.

Insufficient ability to use acquired knowledge and skills in practical activities and everyday life (tabular presentation of data) (task AT 5);

Insufficient knowledge of students in geometry (task B6, B9),

Be able to perform operations with functions (The largest and smallest values ​​of basic functions: using the derivative and based on the properties of the function).

Be able to solve equations and inequalities (Equations, systems of equations: trigonometric, exponential, logarithmic, mixed).

Be able to perform actions with geometric figures, coordinates and vectors (Stereometry: angles and distances in space).

Be able to solve equations and inequalities (Inequalities and systems of inequalities).

Be able to perform actions with geometric figures, coordinates and vectors (Planimetric task).

Be able to use acquired knowledge and skills in practical activities and everyday life (Percentage problems).

Be able to solve equations and inequalities (Equations, inequalities, systems with a parameter).

Be able to build and explore simple mathematical models.

Assessment of short answer tasks.

Last name, first name

Number of completed tasks

Lutkov N.S.

Mezentsev R.S.

Nurpisova G.K.

Samokrutov A.N.

Number of correctly completed tasks

% of tasks completed correctly

From the table above it is clear that students have difficulty completing task No. 12 to find the largest (smallest) value of a function, tasks No. 7 and 8 (geometric meaning of the derivative and stereometric problem), and when solving word problems (No. 11). 25% solved the text problem and 50% solved the problem on the geometric meaning of the derivative. 50% of students completed the stereometric task. 25% of students do not experience difficulties in completing a planimetric task, 100% accurately completed the simplest text problem, the simplest equation.

Assessment of completion of tasks with a detailed answer.

Last name, first name

Total points for

Lutkov N.S.

Mezentsev R.S.

Nurpisova G.K.

Samokrutov A.N.

Analyzing the results of a trial rehearsal exam in mathematics in the form of the Unified State Exam, we can conclude that 9 graduates out of 15 who scored 50 points or higher have not only a basic level of training in secondary school mathematics, but also a specialized one. Nikolay Lutkov, an 11th grade student, did not overcome the minimum threshold of 27 points established by Rosobrnadzor for 2018.

Based on the above, the math teacher recommended:

1.Analyze the results of performing CMM tasks, paying attention to the identified typical errors and ways to eliminate them.

Analytical report on the results of a trial exam in the Russian language in the Unified State Examination form dated February 13, 2017.

Purpose of the work:

1. Practicing the procedure for conducting the Unified State Exam in conditions as close as possible to reality, in order to overcome possible difficulties in organizing the exam.

2. Identification at the school level of gaps in the preparation of students in order to organize an optimal regime for repeating the rules in graduate classes.

For the exam, 3 options of CMMs were offered. All options strictly corresponded to the FIPI demo version. All students passed the minimum threshold required for a positive assessment.

Analysis of the implementation of all parts of the work.

Part 1

Analyzing the completion of tasks, it should be noted that the basic level of students’ preparation is average. In general, the skills to complete tasks have been developed. The students completed tasks most successfully: 1, 2, 4, 7, 10, 11, 12, 17, 18, 24. And the least successfully completed tasks were 3, 15, 19. These data indicate a good overall level of students’ spelling literacy, and also indicate Gaps in mastering the following language norms:

1. Syntactic norms. Punctuation marks in simple complex, complex sentences with various types of connections.

2. Lexical norms. Determining the meaning of a word in a sentence.

The system of tasks of control and measuring materials correlates with the content of the school course of the Russian language and allows you to check the level of development of language and linguistic competencies. Difficulties in completing tasks lie in children’s lack of composure, independence, and lack of self-confidence.

Part 2

Part 2 of the examination paper determines the actual level of development of linguistic, language and communicative competencies of students. Students have difficulty identifying the problem of the text, commenting on it, formulating the author’s position, and arguing their own opinion. Nobody reached the maximum number of points - 24. 1 student did not start completing part 2.

Total students - 18,

Of these, 0 did not show up.

Academic success - 100%,

Quality of knowledge - 89%,

The results of rehearsal work in the Russian language make it possible to identify that range of skills and abilities, the development of which requires more attention in the process of preparing for the unified state exam in the Russian language.

Particular attention should be paid to sections related to understanding the text, which are often perceived as having been studied and understood for a long time.

To effectively and successfully prepare for the exam you must:

1. plan and consistently implement repetition and systematic generalization of educational material,

2. conduct timely diagnostics of the quality of education and organize differentiated individual assistance,

3. strive for a meaningful approach in studying, based on an understanding of the Russian language as a system in which all levels of language and units are interconnected, and the need to know the system is dictated by the need for practical use of knowledge in oral and written speech,

4. to develop linguistic competence, including students in analytical activities, combining theoretical knowledge with direct experience of their application in speech practice, strengthening the communicative aspect of language teaching,

5. use active forms of learning, research technologies, as well as modern methods of testing students’ knowledge, contributing to a more durable and meaningful assimilation of them,

6. prepare for the exam in accordance with the demo version provided annually by FIPI, use tested, recommended (FIPI, responsible regional structures) materials in preparation; make more active use of interactive learning opportunities (educational programs and trainings on electronic media, training tasks from the open segment of the Federal Bank of Test Materials, online testing on official educational websites (; http://www., etc.).

Analysis of the trial Unified State Examination in mathematics (profile level)


Class: 11 "A"

Number of students: 15

Teacher: Kurganova Yu.A.

The Unified State Examination in mathematics at the profile level consists of two parts, including 19 tasks.The minimum threshold is 27 points.

The examination paper consists of two parts, which differ in content, complexity and number of tasks.

The defining feature of each part of the work is the form of the tasks:

    part 1 contains 8 tasks (tasks 1–8) with a short answer in the form of a whole number or a final decimal fraction;

    part 2 contains 4 tasks (tasks 9–12) with a short answer in the form of an integer or a final decimal fraction and 7 tasks (tasks 13–19) with a detailed answer (a complete record of the solution with justification for the actions taken).

Target: analysis and assessment of training effectiveness, assessment of the effectiveness of the educational process from the point of view of educational standards.

Verified requirements:

    Be able to use the acquired knowledge and skills in practical activities and everyday life (The simplest word problems (rounding up and down, percentages).

    Be able to use acquired knowledge and skills in practical activities and everyday life (Reading graphs and diagrams).

    Be able to perform actions with geometric figures, coordinates and vectors (Planimetry: calculation of lengths and areas. Vectors, coordinate plane).

    Be able to build and study the simplest mathematical models (Principles of Probability Theory).

    Be able to solve equations and inequalities (The simplest equations (linear, quadratic, cubic, rational, irrational, exponential, logarithmic, trigonometric).

    Be able to perform actions with geometric figures, coordinates and vectors (Planimetry: tasks related to angles in various planimetry figures).

    Be able to perform operations with functions (Derivative: physical, geometric meaning of the derivative, tangent, application of the derivative to the study of functions, antiderivative).

    Be able to perform actions with geometric figures, coordinates and vectors (Stereometry: tasks for calculating the basic elements of geometric bodies).

    Be able to perform calculations and transformations (Calculation of values ​​and transformations of expressions, fractions of various types: algebraic, trigonometric, exponential, logarithmic).

    Be able to use acquired knowledge and skills in practical activities and everyday life (Tasks with applied content).

    Be able to build and explore the simplest mathematical models (Text problems: on movement in a straight line and in a circle, on water, on joint work, percentages, alloys, mixtures, progressions).

    Be able to perform operations with functions (The largest and smallest values ​​of basic functions: using the derivative and based on the properties of the function).

    Be able to solve equations and inequalities (Equations, systems of equations: trigonometric, exponential, logarithmic, mixed).

    Be able to perform actions with geometric figures, coordinates and vectors (Stereometry: angles and distances in space).

    Be able to solve equations and inequalities (Inequalities and systems of inequalities).

    Be able to perform actions with geometric figures, coordinates and vectors (Planimetric task).

    Be able to use acquired knowledge and skills in practical activities and everyday life (Percentage problems).

    Be able to solve equations and inequalities (Equations, inequalities, systems with a parameter).

    Be able to build and explore simple mathematical models.

Assessment of short answer tasks.














Number of completed tasks

Share of total

Antonov N.


Belyakova E.


Dyakov P.


Krutov D.


Kshnyaykina E.


Pantileikina Yu.


Parvatkin Ya.


Paulov A.


Petryakov D.



Russkin A.



Saushin E.



Sonina Yu.



Stepushov D.



Strelchikova M.



Khannikova R.


Number of correctly completed tasks

% of tasks completed correctly













    From the table above it is clear that students have difficulty completing task No. 12 to find the largest (smallest) value of a function, tasks No. 7 and 8 (geometric meaning of the derivative and stereometric problem), and when solving word problems (No. 11). Only 60% completed tasks inperforming actions with functions (the largest and smallest values ​​of the main functions: using the derivative and based on the properties of the function).

67% solved the text problem and the problem on the geometric meaning of the derivative. 73% of students completed the stereometric task. 100% of students do not experience difficulties in completing a planimetric task, 93% accurately completed the simplest text problem, the simplest equation and a problem with applied content.

Assessment of completion of tasks with a detailed answer.









Total points for

part 2

Antonov N.

Belyakova E.

Dyakov P.

Krutov D.

Kshnyaykina E.

Pantileikina Yu.

Parvatkin Ya.

Paulov A.

Petryakov D.


Russkin A.


Saushin E.


Sonina Yu.


Stepushov D.


Strelchikova M.





Khannikova R.









Exam results:

Analyzing the results of a trial rehearsal exam in mathematics in the form of the Unified State Exam, we can conclude that 9 graduates out of 15 who scored 50 points or higher have not only a basic level of training in secondary school mathematics, but also a specialized one. All 11th grade students exceeded the minimum threshold of 27 points set by Rosobrnadzor for 2016.

The best results were shown by Kshnyaykina E. (84b) and Parvatkin Y. (82b). Krutov D., Pantileikina Yu., Khannikova R. scored the lowest number of points (33b).

Based on the above, the math teacherrecommended:

1. Analyze the results of performing CMM tasks, paying attention to the identified typical errors and ways to eliminate them.

2. Organize a repetition system with lesson control and verification.

3. Use the tasks included in the KIM in lessons.

4. Pay attention to the development in students of general academic and simple mathematical skills that are directly applied in practice.

5. When organizing repetition, pay the necessary attention to the questions that caused the greatest difficulties for schoolchildren during the trial exam.

6. Systematically work with students, working with them on tasks of a basic level of complexity.